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The schema of the data frame must be compatible with the schema of the file.


  compression = c("snappy", "gzip", "zstd", "uncompressed"),
  encoding = NULL,
  row_groups = NULL,
  options = parquet_options()



Data frame to append.


Path to the output file.


Compression algorithm to use for the newly written data. See write_parquet().


Encoding to use for the newly written data. It does not have to be the same as the encoding of data in file. See write_parquet() for possible values.


Row groups of the new, extended Parquet file. append_parquet() can only change the last existing row group, and if row_groups is specified, it has respect this. I.e. if the existing file has n rows, and the last row group starts at k (k <= n), then the first row group in row_groups that refers to the new data must start at k or n+1. (It is simpler to specify num_rows_per_row_group in options, see parquet_options() instead of row_groups. Only use row_groups if you need complete control.)


Nanoparquet options, for the new data, see parquet_options(). The keep_row_groups option also affects whether append_parquet() overwrites existing row groups in file.


This function is not atomic! If it is interrupted, it may leave the file in a corrupt state. To work around this create a copy of the original file, append the new data to the copy, and then rename the new, extended file to the original one.

About row groups

A Parquet file may be partitioned into multiple row groups, and indeed most large Parquet files are. append_parquet() is only able to update the existing file along the row group boundaries. There are two possibilities:

  • append_parquet() keeps all existing row groups in file, and creates new row groups for the new data. This mode can be forced by the keep_row_groups option in options, see parquet_options().

  • Alternatively, write_parquet will overwrite the last row group in file, with its existing contents plus the (beginning of) the new data. This mode makes more sense if the last row group is small, because many small row groups are inefficient.

By default append_parquet chooses between the two modes automatically, aiming to create row groups with at least num_rows_per_row_group (see parquet_options()) rows. You can customize this behavior with the keep_row_groups options and the row_groups argument.

See also